Journals & Zines Poems
14 by 14 We Here
99 Poems for the 99 Percent Press Conference
AGNI Online Graph Paper, Self-Portrait as the Y-Axis
Ambush Review Umalut, &
Angle Love of Slapstick, Wasabi
Atlanta Review Buyer’s Remorse, Escalator, Glasses, Intimations of Mortality, Mt. Tamalpais,
The Untouchables
Avatar Dentist Chair, Sky Mall, X-Ray Vision
Barrow Street The Incredible Shrinking Man
California Quarterly Review Anti-Aubade, On Taking Criticism
The Dirty Napkin Tall Man
DMQ Review Creature from the Black Lagoon
The Evansville Review Whenever I See Her, A Plate of Scrambled Eggs
iwritemyself Tuesday, Desire for Retirement
Larkfield Review The Plagiarizer of Words
Light Wallet
Marin Poetry Center Anthology Tuesday
Miller’s Pond Pinkie, Thumb, Index,Stomach
Nimrod Pants, Knee as Nostalgia
Passager The Ears of the Aged, To the Hair on My Arm
Passages North Letter to My Penis
The Paterson Literary Review Dracula’s Cape, Long Division, Making the Bed, Museum Day, The Worst Way to Go
Poetry Midwest Doodle
Poetry East Cannonball, The Nature of the Cartoon, You and I
Prick of the Spindle Neckroll
RHINO “They’ll Never Find Me Here”, The Blob
River Styx Two Saints of Clarity, Wallet
Serving House Journal Desire for Retirement, Synopsis, The Formalist Flattered
The Sow’s Ear The Ankle in the CafĂ©, Hardly Lord Jim, King of Diamonds, To the Air Above My Head
Spillway The Day I Found I Could Count Forever, Shock, Cuticle
The Road Not Taken Backache, Love Song for Slapstick
Tar River Poetry Leaflet
Two Review Cartwheels
Verse Daily Graph Paper
West Marin Review I Was Getting Ready To Tie My Tie When, La-Z-Boy, Revolving Sunglass Display